LinkedIn Profile

Setting up your LinkedIn Profile

It is widely known that recruiters use LinkedIn as the modern day CV. While you might not be looking for a job you should still have an updated profile – you don’t know what opportunities can come your way.

LinkedIn profile -

Your LinkedIn profile is essentially your CV. The format of your profile is set up as a CV with Experience, Education, Awards, References ad Dates and Titles to coincide with all the information. You wouldn’t send a blank CV to a potential employer. You should treat your LinkedIn profile the same way.

Tips for setting up your LinkedIn profile


Your picture needs to show that you are a professional. A nice headshot taken with a simple background is perfect. You don’t have to wear a suit but do need to look professional and personable. The aim is dependable and trustworthy, avoid quirky and crazy. People remember faces more than names.


You have 120 characters at the top of your profile to describe what you do. Use your title or the title of a job you want to do – keywords help you get found by the right people. LinkedIn is a search engine – use it to your advantage and use keywords throughout your profile.

Your Summary

Your summary is the opportunity to sell yourself so put in time to write a keyword rich captivating summary. People read the first few sentences so you have a very short time to grab the readers attending and make them want to read more.

Take your key skills you bring to the role and list results you have achieved on behalf of your employer/previous employer. Finish off the summary with a call to action; ‘Contact me to discuss IT Programmer Jobs”.

Your experience

This is the body of your LinkedIn profile like it is on your CV where you show your experience, expertise and skills. Add in where you have worked, for how long and what you did. Include your current position and at least two previous positions.


Include keywords everywhere, especially in the Summary and Experience for search purposed. When recruiters use LinkedIn they use industry specific key words – by having keywords in your profile you rank higher in the search results.


This is one area that tends to be overlooked but it’s a valuable tool in building up your profile. You have to be proactive and ask for recommendations from bosses, colleagues, mentors, clients and anyone who benefited from your skills / experience.


Groups are a great way to build relationships and network with people who have similar interests to you. Choose groups that are relevant to your current role and interests. You have to take part in groups to be noticed and networking is a proven method of building your job prospects.

Ensure you have a fully completed profile

  • Your industry and location
  • An up-to-date current position (with a description)
  • Two past positions
  • Your education
  • Your skills (minimum of 3)
  • A profile photo
  • At least 50 connections

Ready with your LinkedIn profile? Than follow Hays on LinkedIn.

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