Job interviews

Tips for your job interviews

Good preparation is of course at the top of your list. But what else should you pay attention to? How to start your salary negotiation, and which questions you better avoid during your job interview? We explain what to do if you are an introvert and prepared a sample-resignation letter for you.

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Prepare your job interview -

Prepare your job interview

A job interview can be stressful, but preparing for it will boost your confidence and help you to show what you can offer the organisation

Job interview | Video call -

Interview by video call

A video call is becoming much more common, also for job interviews. With these tips you will become comfortable with this phenomenon.

Interviewee questions to ask

Asking questions in your job interview is important, but what to ask during - and post - the Covid-19 period?

Job interview | Introvert personality -

Are you an introvert?

An introvert personality doesn't have to be a disadvantage during your job interview, it's not necessarily the extroverts who are preferred.

job interview questions freelancers

7 common questions for freelancers

Job Interview questions for freelancers sometimes deviate from the standard.

Job interview | The worst interview questions to aks -

Avoid asking these questions

Which are the worst job interview questions to ask your interviewer, and why should you avoid asking them?

Phone job interview -

Job interview by phone

A job interview by phone can feel uncomfortable. Learn about the most important tips for a perfect conversation.

Job interviews | Salary negotiation -

Salary negotiation

Tips to help you prepare for your salary negotiation and confidently ask for the salary you want and deserve.

Job interview | Counterbid -

Dealing with a counterbid

You receive an offer from your current employer to counter the one from your future employer, now what?

Job interview | Resignation letter -

How to resign?

If you want to resign, it is important to always do this in a decent way. Writing a resignation letter is easy when you follow these tips.

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We believe the right job can change your life.

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