
Assessment & Development
Personalised testing

Need help to manage and retain your staff? Hays Assessment and Development can help you out.

Attracting staff is crucial to run your business. But retaining staff is primordial. At Hays, a global recruitment leader, we understand that.

Next to our services in the field of recruitment and selection, Hays is focusing on Assessment & Development. Specialized assessors and coaches can screen your future staff and make sure your staff can evolve internally to boost your company. This way, you make optimal use of your human resources. 

Is your best engineer in other words a good team leader? Do your trainees have management potential? Don't hesitate to ask us all your questions regarding the inflow and outflow of staff.

Hays Assessment & Development gives you an insight into the skills of employees, crucial for the success of your business. OUr personal approach is unique. We advise you on: 

Assessment center

Is there a candidate who fits a specific job? We use a range of tools to answer these questions

Development center

Is a candidate looking for a specific job within your organisation? We explore the different possibilities.


Our coaches propose a practical process to stimulate awareness and change. 


Hays can work out a custom-made training to tighten specific skills on the basis of practical assignments. 

For any questions, you can fill in the contact form at this page.

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Contact us

Want to know more about our services or are you looking for new employees? We are happy to contact you.

  •  By submitting this form, you indicate that you are aware of our privacy policy, which explains what we do with your personal data.

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