Retail jobs

Retail jobs

Our Hays Retail Consultants developed a profound recruitment expertise in the world of Food, Fashion and Luxury.

Both for temporary and permanent retail jobs, they rely on their (inter)national network and their specific knowledge of the market to introduce you to the right shop jobs. Our consultants already have numerous successful placements, which include shop managers, window dressers and shop assistants, to their name.  

Every company that sells products directly to private individuals needs retail professionals to support their customers and offer them the right products. On the other hand, they also need strong managers with the right commercial skills to optimise the stores. 

Find your next retail job 

We offer various retail jobs which include: 

  • Shop Manager – Store Manager 
  • Shop Assistant 
  • Counter Employee 
  • Sales Assistant 
  • District Manager  

Scroll through our current retail jobs below and apply directly! 

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